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10:00 Registration time

10:30-17:00  Fishing Games

Catch the fishes & check how many different species live in the sea. But be careful because some of them have already been “polluted”. So, children will get informed about the pollution of the sea life playing and having fun.

12:00 - 17:00   Info Seminars for children

concerning the marine life & the threats (30' )

Our young and not so young friends have the opportunity to learn about the underwater life and the threats that are existed in an interactive way.

11:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00  Workshops “Little mermaids” (5 children per 30') **

Boys & girls wear their mermaid tails and swim with their tails in the sea. Of course, they will have a mission, to clean the sea from the rubbish! A reward will wait for them.

11:00, 15:30  Marine marathon (only for adults) * 

Swim, overcome the obstacles & survive! 2 marine marathon races will take place parallel of the coast, so all of you can enjoy the marine marathon.

11:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00  Workshops “Marine guardians” (8 children per 30 minutes) **

The young guardians have the chance to wear snorkeling equipment and save the sea from rubbish. They will work in pairs, like the relay race.

12:00 - 17:00  Music-Dj Session

* Registration online

**Registration at the event 

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